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Life hacks for home with Home Connect and IFTTT

A man lying on a couch in headphones surrounded by stylish furniture.

Imagine waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee (prepared just the way you like it) and hearing your favorite song as soon as you enter the kitchen. What if the lights automatically turned on and off as you walk in and out of rooms, and your home magically cleaned itself because your appliances took care of everything while you were away? These scenarios might sound futuristic, but thanks to IFTTT’s clever Applets (simple, seamless experiences) home automation ideas can be easily turned into reality.

IFTTT is here to make your life easier. Read on to find out more about this feature that combines Home Connect with the most popular apps on the market – and then let your imagination fly!

Let others do the hard work

Are you the proud owner of a cleaning robot and the joy of seeing it in action has somewhat waned off? Revive your enthusiasm by letting it do tricks for you like flashing Philips Hue lights when it starts, or by adding a cleaning schedule to your calendar. You could also tell the robot to only start working once you’re out of the house so that you never again need to worry about the noise it makes.

Got no cleaning robot? Don’t fret, there are also Applets that let you preheat your smart oven, start the dishwasher, pause the washing machine, and other appliances remotely, giving you more time to focus on the things that matter – like taking photos of your pets, your dinner... or yourself!

Couple sitting in from of a TV

And while this doesn’t necessarily classify as “hard work”, you could also use IFTTT to make sure that your coffee starts brewing at sunrise, as soon as you wake up or whenever you didn’t get enough shut-eye.

Find your devices, unwind in front of the TV, or enjoy “Sexy Time”

Do you live in a spacious dream home and keep misplacing your phone and tablet? Say no more, we’ve got you covered. One of our most popular Applets allows you to reunite with your devices, no matter where you left them.

If you had a long day and want to relax with your favorite Netflix series, then TV Time adjusts the lights to ensure that nothing gets between you and your sofa. Sharing the sofa with someone? Google Home’s Sexy Time dims the lights, changes their color and starts playing music for you – but don’t blame us if things don’t go as planned.

Man playing with a child in a living-room

While watching TV, many of us enjoy having a little snack – and, before we know it, the entire ice cream tub is gone. If you’d like to keep track of how much you snack, you can do that by getting an applet that checks how often you opened the fridge door.

Get notified with music (instead of beeps)

If you enjoy living in a home that is alive with music, then you can easily create applets that start playing your favorite tunes when your home appliances finish their cycles. You could also add some pizzazz by making your Philips Hue lights flash when dinner is ready. Does the beeping sound of your washer drive you up the wall? Change it to a more relaxing sound and you’ll look forward to laundry day (well, almost). #UberEverywhere but your rating looks pretty sad because you keep your drivers waiting? Fix this by creating an Applet that mutes the music, flashes lights or alerts you in other ways when your driver pulls up.

IFTTT also makes it easy to create rules across music apps. Whether you’d like to create playlists that work on several platforms or connect one platform to the other, there’s an Applet for just about everything. You can also start playlists at a specific hour every day, for example when it’s time for you, or the little ones, to go to bed.

No matter what you’d like IFTTT to do, it’s very likely that there’s an Applet for it. You can, of course, also get creative and come up with your own combinations. Visit the IFTTT homepage to learn more about the features.

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